Subject: Re: A PDF editor for NetBSD?
To: Ben Collver <>
From: Alastair Rankine <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/20/2003 22:48:18
At 08:45 PM 4/20/2003 -0700, Ben Collver wrote:
>I would be interested in finding a good presentation language that could
>output to pdf or postscript. Layout languages such as DocBook are fine
>for technical documentation or resume's, but not so great for stuff like
>business reports.
Docbook is not a layout language. In fact they've done a great job of
specifying the markup to be more-or-less completely layout-agnostic.
You probably want to look at XSL-FO which is the polar opposite: a
completely layout-centric XML dialect. Unfortunately it's about as
user-friendly as postscript :)