Subject: Re: A PDF editor for NetBSD?
To: Gan Uesli Starling <>
From: Mihai CHELARU <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/14/2003 18:06:58
Personally I use openoffice, print to file (.ps) then ps2pdf. Works=20
pretty fine and wysiwyg.
On Monday 14 April 2003 17:46, Gan Uesli Starling wrote:
> Am wondering if anybody has used or knows of a PDF editor for=20
> NetBSD.
> I've been playing with this...
> html -> html2ps -> ps->pdf
> ...and it works okay.
> But the final PDF is only semi like the original. Nearly all=20
> of the CSS is lost. I find it to be the html2ps stage which=20
> loses those styles.
> I know PostScript pretty well. But that html2ps script=20
> obfuscates the code something awful to minimize file size. It=20
> is just plain unreadable, let alone editable.
> I might try to edit html2ps to undo all that and output=20
> unobfuscated PostScript since html2ps is in Perl...except that=20
> it runs more than 4K lines of code. Thus I am intimidated.
> Being lazy and impatient I hope for a way to maybe tweak the=20
> PDF instead. I find that the PDF contains binary. So I would=20
> need an editor. Anybody know of one?
> I suppose I could study XSL:FO and FOP but am hoping for an=20
> easy out since I won't be using it that often. Firstly it is=20
> aimed at avoiding MS-Word so as to distribute my resume. To=20
> give it out as PDF would be cool. But it should not look=20
> kludgy, yes?
> Thanks,
> Gan
> --=20
> Mistera Sturno - Rarest Extinct Bird
> <(+)__ Gan Uesli Starling
> ((__/)=3D- Kalamazoo, MI, USA
> `||`
> ++