Subject: pb whem i'm logging
To: None <>
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?guillaume=20meurice?= <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/14/2003 13:09:01
this is my first post in this mailing-list, so hello
I'm a new netbSD user, and i'm beggining with unix.
first of all, i'd like to informe you that i'm not
informatician. My work bring me to use an unix system,
and now, for my hobbies, i'd like to go trought the
blak box. So i decided to install netBSD on my
I've installed netBSD, sudo & zsh package.
I've also made an xf86cfg to get Xwindows.
my problem is that after i enter my login & my passwd,
the root window comes and contain the console, 4
buttons (client, shudowm, checkpoint, and ...can't
remeber the 4th) and that all.
from this window, i can't launch any xterm (there's no
mouse menu)
have you any idea to help me ?
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