To: None <>
From: Soren Jacobsen <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/13/2003 21:35:03
On Mon, Apr 14, 2003 at 01:56:55PM +0930, Ian Grant wrote:
> Where do I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH ?
> I have tried using .profile which is what I have used in the past on
> sysv4 yet when I set it on this netbsd 1.6 machine, when I echo it
> I get nothing when I should get a list of paths.
That depends on which shell you use. sh or ksh will read ~/.profile, but
I believe csh is the default shell still, and I think you'd want
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /paths:/go:/here in ~/.login. Other shells not in
the base system will vary.
Soren Jacobsen