Subject: Re: ipnat
To: Dmitry V. Bulashev <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/12/2003 20:02:02
On Thu, Apr 10, 2003 at 06:55:57PM +0600, Dmitry V. Bulashev wrote:
> Hello!
> I want to use similar this struct
> rdr ep0 from to ( ! to local_network/mask ) port = 80 ->
> port 3128
> It`s possible ?
> so, in pf it's i may do -
> no rdr on ep0 from to local_network/mask port 80
> rdr .. [ skipped ]..
> But, I'm using NetBSD && ipf
Hum, unfortunably I can't see a clean way to do this.
I you don't have too much machines on local_network/mask, maybe you can try:
rdr ep0 from to machine1 port = 80 -> machine1 port 80
rdr ep0 from to machine2 port = 80 -> machine2 port 80
rdr ep0 from to any port = 80 -> localhost port 3128
Maybe it need to be the other way round ("to any" being first, not
last), I don't know in which order rdr rules are matched
Maybe you can even go with
rdr ep0 from to local_network/mask port = 80 -> local_network/mask port 80
rdr ep0 from to any port = 80 -> localhost port 3128
but I didn't try it
Manuel Bouyer <>
NetBSD: 24 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference