Subject: Re:
To: Ezequiel Reyes <>
From: Al Urbaitis <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/05/2003 11:36:07
On Wednesday, March 5, 2003, at 10:58 AM, Ezequiel Reyes wrote:

> Hi,
> Could someone please tell me of a window manager (other than twm) 
> which have
> that feature of letting you decide where you want the application you 
> just
> launched to open by drawing a rectangular area on the screen? I 
> particulary
> like that feature, but must wm these days prefer to place windows 
> following
> their own politics and let the programs decide about their inicial 
> size.

Well... It sort of depends on the application and the facility it uses 
do "window placement" I would reccomend that you consult
something like Oriellys X Window System Administration Guide
for a more complete discussion...

I happen to like "enlightenment" but thats not what you asked...