Subject: Re: ftp and cdrom installation on i386]
To: None <>
From: Lubos Vrbka <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/28/2003 11:30:32
>>This is a known problem with sysinstall. Tell it to not display details
>>while unpacking, that often fixes the problem.
> ... and while it's known, it's not liked. But so far nobody has seen
> it who can reproduce it and troubleshoot it. It just makes it worse
> that install problems are hard to troubleshoot. ;-)
well, i've seen it many times... :o( mostly crashed on the same place
(or file)... but where could the problem be? sysinst from the cdrom
installation doesn't use pax for extracting the files? the installation
from cdrom (even if booted from floppy) works and i DO WATCH the names
of the files being unpacked... it would make sense that if booted from
cdrom, that the binaries used may differ from these used on the
floppy... but since i booted from floppy and then selected the medium
for the distribution tarballs... sysinst should use the pax binary from
the floppy, right?
do the tarballs on ftp somehow differ from these on the ISO cdrom?
it's interesting that sometimes it's possible to pass the installation
without problems, but sometimes... doing the complete reinstall 8 times
isn't great fun :o(
thanx for the advices about setting off the displaying of files... i'll
try it next time i'll install the system... and the mention about the
network settings "problem" also helped... thanx!
Lubos Vrbka
National Centre for Biomolecular Research
Masaryk university, Brno, Czech Republic
tel. +420 541 129 508