Subject: ftp and cdrom installation on i386
To: None <>
From: Lubos Vrbka <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/27/2003 11:09:46
as there's discussion about the installation from cdrom, i've 2 questions:
1) if i install from cdrom, why the sysinstall doesn't ask about the
network set-up? i know, it isn't needed, but then i have to do it by
myself (and i had little problems finding out all things that have to be
set up :o)). i know, i can do the set up (it's somewhere in
utils/network setup in sysinst), but these settings are not written to
the appropriate files on disk (ftp install offers "do you want to make
these settings permanent and write them to /etc/... ?")
2) do you have problems installing system from floppies/ftp? i tried
many times and in last 6-8 months, i experience lots of failures...
what's the problem? i think it's somewhere in ftp or pax. i'm able to
set up the network connection, ftp starts retrieving the files, but as
pax starts to unpack them, it always coredumps. is it possible that the
archives aren't retrieved completely? i was told that the ftp
distributed on the installation floppies doesn't have checks whether
complete file was retrieved (because of the limited size of the medium
issues) :o( . i experienced this behaviour at various ftp servers
(,, or it's my
fault? am i doing anything bad? it worked for me before, but now... :o(
the files that cause problems the most are man.tgz, text.tgz, sometimes
archives connected with X... i've 100mbit connection, so the speed
shouldn't be problem - i'm able to get data from the net at
Lubos Vrbka
National Centre for Biomolecular Research
Masaryk university, Brno, Czech Republic
tel. +420 541 129 508