Subject: Re: Problems installing
To: None <>
From: Peter Bex <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/09/2003 23:48:54
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Partitioning and disklabels can be VERY confusing indeed. I once botched my
installation by overwriting the c and d parts. :(
> a for /
> b for swap
> e,f.... for whatever separate stuff u want (/var, /usr)
You can also make the Windows/DOS partitions visible to NetBSD on the other
parts (e, ... f) after all NetBSD parts.
You can do this with the mbrlabel(8) tool. Don't try to do it by hand with
the disklabel(8) tool unless you know what you're doing.
> as i said once u get the whole thing all probs disappear.
That's right :)
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