Subject: Re: lightweight wms
To: Jarkko Teppo <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/04/2003 22:14:19
On Sat, Jan 04, 2003 at 01:00:28PM +0200, Jarkko Teppo wrote:
> What's your main problem with them ? Ease-of-use ? I know for a fact
> that if I put a neophyte in front of:
> a) *nix + twm
> b) windows (whatever)
> c) *nix + kde
> d) *nix + gnome
> e) NextStep (haven't tried MacOS X yet ...)
> a) is not going to cut it.
> Choice e) was always closest to my idea of that particular pipe dream.
Have you tried Window Maker or AfterStep? Those are the NeXTStep clones for
*nix. I use WindowMaker here and it is quite easy to use - you can even
edit the menus and all of the settings using graphical tools if you like.
It might confuse non-techie windows9x users because it has no start menu
though, it has a root menu (right mouse button) instead.
Your comparison is a little extreme BTW, there are plenty of not particularly
difficult to use wms that are neither as ugly and bare bones as twm nor as
bloated as KDE or GNOME.