Subject: Re: How can I edit the packages install on the ISO?
To: James K. Lowden <>
From: Martin Weber <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/03/2003 03:01:39
On Thu, Jan 02, 2003 at 08:55:39PM -0500, James K. Lowden wrote:
> [...]
> Another way you could go about it (that you might already have thought of)
> would be just to tar up your favorite completed /usr/pkg, any associated
> changes or additions to /etc, and whatever you like your home directory to
> start out with. After a vanilla installation, untar your "favorites" and
> go home.
> Seems to me like a lot less effort....
Well, initially, yes, but after some time, and when the first package
wants to be updated, you'll realize you forgot /var/db/pkg/* ...
I think it's saner to burn all the packages you want onto the CD, and
then install after you're done. Of course there could/should be both
a howto and an easier way... but hey, don't ask me. Just wanted to make
sure you don't step into the implicit trap of just untarring stuff onto
your system (been there, done that, hated myself for it)