Subject: Re: Questions about daily, weekly, monthly; problem with
To: Gary Thorpe <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/28/2002 20:57:01
On Sat, 28 Dec 2002, Gary Thorpe wrote:
> I am curios: are the scripts 'daily', 'weekly', and 'monthly' run by
> cron? They do not seem to execute on my system (1.6 upgraded from
> 1.5.2) and I noticed that there is no default system crontab. How are
> these scripts run periodically if not by cron?
Yes, these scripts are ran via cron. By default it is located
at /var/cron/tabs/root (and seen with "crontab -u root -l".)
The crontab is available at
If I recall correctly, there was a bug that removed root's crontab when
upgrading to 1.6. (My journal for Oct. 8 says: "Since 1.6 upgrade toasted
root's crontab and /var/backups of it, I redid it.")
(As for your problem, save the end of the build output and maybe
use the -current list for discussion.)
Jeremy C. Reed