Subject: ppp & mgetty for dialin -- a routing problem?
To: None <>
From: Gan Uesli Starling <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/26/2002 12:32:36
Trying to set up so I can dial-in from a NetBSD
laptop to a NetBSD tower and so gain Internet
access for the laptop care off the tower's DSL.
On laptop I do 'route delete default' prior to
dial-out to avoid 'file exists' error in ppp.log
(because I have an /etc/mygate for when laptop
is part of the LAN with the DSL router).
After connect 'ifconfig ppp0' shows tower end
is And 'route show' shows same IP
as default gateway. No error in ppp.log
But ping to takes forever. It seems
to hang, but the times are too I assum
it was waiting on something.
Nor can I ping dotted quads for Google, etc. from
the laptop. (Those pings are okay from the tower.)
Then...if on the laptop I 'route delete default'
ping then pings same time for with
no hang-like delay.
Figure I have a routing problem. See my unfinished
howto for full details (all the ppp and mgetty files)
at this URL:
If I can beat this last problem, it looks to be
done. Then I can use it myself and also list the
howto. Any clues will be vastly appreciated.
Mistera Sturno - Rarest Extinct Bird
<(+)__ Gan Uesli Starling
((__/)=- Kalamazoo, MI, USA