Subject: filesystem netbsd and openbsd
To: None <>
From: joerch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/18/2002 21:15:28
i want to switch my http,ftp,mail-server from
openbsd to netbsd.
i have no problem with installing netbsd or
building a kernel.
my only question is about the filesystemtypes.
i got a "big" 10gb hd for ftp use and i never tried
to mount this (running under openbsd) with netbsd.
is there a big difference, i mean is it unmountable
and unusable with netbsd, between the filesystem
openbsd and the on netbsd uses ?
oh i forgot to give some facts about the machine,
it is a ss5.
joerg "joerch" buechner