, <netbsd-help@netbsd.org>
From: Richard Rauch <rauch@rice.edu>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/18/2002 09:56:14
Re. http://mail-index.netbsd.org/netbsd-help/2002/12/16/0000.html
I use it (or have used it) for just about anything and everything:
* Internet gateway/firewall/routing/NAT/...
* Print server, FTP server, CVS server, ...
* Workstation (games, playing music, watching DVD's, programming,
graphics, web-browsing, ...)
* Laptop (TeX; connections in an office, at home, in my brother's
house where he has a DHCP-serving router and ethernet strung
through most/all of the rooms; ...).
* Learning (sometimes slowly, sometimes a little faster; (^&)
about UNIX, UNIX system administration, and network administration.
The present exception is an otherwise "extra" machine upon which I have
reinstalled the Evil Empire OS. It is there partly to see how it behaves
in a network, and partly to let me help beta-test some software that does
not run on NetBSD. (My brother wrote the software; we've spoken about
ccollaborating on a future version which *would* definitely exist in a
UNIXish form.)
There are a few areas where NetBSD comes up short, for me. (Mostly
revolving around 3D graphics.) Actually *doing* something about these
things is somewhere halfway down my TODO list.
``I probably don't know what I'm talking about.'' --rauch@math.rice.edu