Subject: Re: Your use of NedBSD?
To: Sam Carleton <>
From: Sean J. Schluntz <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/17/2002 10:38:53
>> I thought I might take a poll. Why do you use NetBSD?
I've been a slow convert :)
I've been a BSD person since some nice guy up in Berkeley mailed me
0.0 for i386 on a bunch of floppies.
I have been a FreeBSD person for a long time, all of the servers I build
were FreeBSD (unless required to be Windows/Linux for whatever reason).
Then I started working with NetBSD because of some Sun hardware I wanted
to eek a bit more power out of than I was getting with Solaris.
NetBSD took over my Sun and Alpha servers, then all of my single CPU
i386 systems and now with 1.6 it's on ever server in the house. It's
really nice to have a standard where you know everything is going to
react the same.
The final convert was my laptop, it was FreeBSD until I needed VMWare
and then Linux until last year when it finally joined the rest of the
equipment in NetBSD.
I use NetBSD because it works and has stong community backing. I also
use NetBSD because it's so small, I don't have to spend hours trying to
cut out all of the extra crud to get to just what I need.
I've really fallen in love with the pkg system as well :) It's spoiled
me with how much time it saves me in getting things online.