Subject: Bandwidth throttling once limit reached
To: None <>
From: J. Piers Hearn <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/15/2002 22:03:01
Hi all,
I'm trying to set up a system whereby once my data transfer through a
specified interface (pppoe0 specifically) has passed a specified amount (in
this case being my monthly 10 gigs of download), my bandwidth automatically
throttles down to a lower rate, say equivalent to a 28.8k modem. I figure I
can do this by some use of netstat to track my data transfer, and altq to
then throttle down my interface.
So far, run into the following snags: If I'm going to use netstat, I need
some way to clear it's totals at the end of month, but I can't see a
convenient way of doing so. Second, setting up altq, can anyone point me to
any good doco on configuring it? I've found one at which gives good
technical info about altq, but not much useful about how to configure it.