Subject: Re: Was: Re: Cloning /dev/wd0 Now: rsync
To: Herb Peyerl <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/10/2002 13:40:28
On Dec 10, 11:27am, (Herb Peyerl) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: Was: Re: Cloning /dev/wd0 Now: rsync
| 8708 rsync EMUL "netbsd"
| 8708 rsync CALL select(0x2,0,0xbfbfc048,0,0xbfbfc020)
| 8708 rsync RET select 0
| 8708 rsync CALL select(0x2,0,0xbfbfc048,0,0xbfbfc020)
| It's still all running. It has copied no more new files, it hasn't
| reported anything, and as you can see, hasn't really accrued all
| that much more cpu time.
Ok, so it is selecting on fds in [0..2] and looking if it can write to
them. Which means that it cannot, because it would block. So what
are fd's 0,1,2 point to [use lsof -p 8708]? And why cannot it write?