Subject: Re: OT: IPFilter rule
To: Sam Carleton <>
From: Randy Beaudreault <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/06/2002 15:55:38
>Please forgive me, but I get tired of subscribing to mailing
>lists for one simply little question.  I am hoping that some-
>one here is a ipfilter person...
>I am running my NetBSD firewall here at my house.  I would like
>to setup a ipfilter rule to log all trafice going to port
>5190.  (for those of you that don't know, that is the AIM
>default port)  I am already blocking all the AIM servers that
>I know about, I simply want to log any and all of the servers
>I don't know about.  I tried this, but it isn't working:
>log first out on iy0 from any to port 5190

log first in on iy0 from any to port 5190

>The catch is that I don't want to block or pass it at this
>point, simply log it.
>any thoughts?

I'm assuming you only want to look at incoming traffic to port 5190. 
For traffic coming out of your system use this as well:
log first in on <internal interface> from to any port 5190

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