Subject: Re: Mail server questions.
To: None <>
From: Keith Mastin <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/03/2002 08:55:17
>--On 12/02/02 01:15:42 -0500 Eric Gillespie wrote:
>> Unless you have to support users who *need* mbox, go with
>> maildir. Delivery to a maildir is atomic, while mbox is
>> guaranteed to give you a corrupt mailbox once in a while.
>Not true. While the mbox format is poorly designed, corruption will only
>be a problem if you use mail over NFS or if your mail clients and delivery
>agent don't agree on a locking method. The big problem with mbox is that
>you cannot have multiple processes with simultaneous write access.
mbox will also corrupt if the system crashes while a message is being
written to it. If you expect a high load, then Maildir is infinitaly