Subject: Re: Networking problem.
To: David S. <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/27/2002 21:06:13
> > One machine in my LAN:
> > ethernet card 1: tlp0
> > network name 1: hermes (
> >
> > My DSL router/gateway:
> > ethernet card 1: rtk0
> > network name 1: gate (
> >
> > ethernet card 2: tlp0
> > network name 2: prometheus (
> How many static IP addresses are you getting from your ISP, and
> how many machines do you have on your home network?
I have 5 static IP's (that is, through ...253). No others
were given to me, unless the support person that I spoke with gave me poor
information. (In the past, I had a static IP account with 5 or so IP
numbers *plus* another one (in a different subnet) for my connection
interface. That setup, back in Kansas City with a different ISP, worked
I presently have 3 computers that need IP addresses. (The two above, plus
one other.)
Potentially, I could use NAT, but when I tried to continue using my NAT
setup from (literally) yesterday, it failed. (I was using NAT under my
dynamic IP account.) I'm boggled that my NAT would just suddenly stop
working like that.
``I probably don't know what I'm talking about.''