Subject: Re: Networking problem.
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: David S. <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/27/2002 18:40:47
> I'm having trouble getting my gateway to act as a gateway *while* also
> having my static IP numbers farmed out over my little home network.
> The situation is something like this:
> Internet <==> [rtk0/gate Gatewa tlp0/prometheus] <==> [other machines]
> rtk0/gate is the interface/name (IP address used to talk to
> the ISP via DSL.
> tlp0/prometheus is the interface/name (IP address used to
> talk to my LAN.
> One machine in my LAN:
> ethernet card 1: tlp0
> network name 1: hermes (
> My DSL router/gateway:
> ethernet card 1: rtk0
> network name 1: gate (
> ethernet card 2: tlp0
> network name 2: prometheus (
How many static IP addresses are you getting from your ISP, and
how many machines do you have on your home network?
David S.