Subject: Re: cvs update over slow connection broken
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: MLH <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/19/2002 15:57:38
On 18 Nov 2002 17:35:00 -0600, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 03:07:18AM +0000, MLH wrote:
>> I've been running cvs for about two years over a slow connection
>> with no problems. About 3-4 weeks ago it broke with :
>> cvs [update aborted]: received broken pipe signal
>> What's the problem with low-speed connections that started a few
>> weeks ago?
> Did you try a mirror ?
> Just to see if the problem is on your side, or on the server side ...
I had tried some other mirrors but was not allowed to login to them
for some reason (using their site-specific instructions), or I
experienced the same 'broken pipe' when I tried to update. works though, and I can do checkouts and
updates just fine, and as expected.
The problem with is there whether or not I enable
compression. Maybe traffic is too heavy or not enough of some
resource that trips up slow connections?
Akkk. I was running with as I was typing this
and it just did it... I managed to update pkgsrc with no problem
last night, but it just broke while updating syssrc just now :
P sys/conf/
P sys/conf/files
P sys/dev/pci/pcidevs
P sys/dev/pci/pcidevs.h
P sys/dev/pci/pcidevs_data.h
P usr.sbin/config/mkheaders.c
P usr.sbin/config/mkmakefile.c
cvs [update aborted]: received broken pipe signal
The difference here is that it actually started updating files
whereas with, nothing ever gets updated. I'm
averaging about 2.0 KB/sec on this connection. (Bad phone lines)