Subject: Re: Powerpoint-produced HTML
To: David Laight <>
From: Dr R.S. Brooks <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/15/2002 14:53:44
On Fri, 15 Nov 2002, David Laight wrote:

>On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 11:50:59AM +0000, Dr R.S. Brooks wrote:
>> Anyone know of a brower which will correctly render HTML produced by
>> Powerpoint?
>> I've tried:
>> 	Mozilla 1.0
>> 	Netscape 7.0
>> 	Konqueror 3.02
>> 	Opera 6.02
>> and it's completely FUBAR with all of them.
>They probably all render it correctly!
>IE probably gets it wrong but produces the image you want :-)

While David's comment is probably quite correct, it's hardly very
helpful when faced with such a document which is only available to
me in (so-called) HTML.  As I didn't have access to the original
.ppt file, I couldn't use another suggestion which I received
privately to use a .ppt to HTML convertor (or use something like

So to rephrase the question to be pedantically accurate, what is there
available for NetBSD (or Linux, if I must) which will render the
so-called HTML produced by powerpoint so it looks like it would in
IE (or at least so that all the text is visible)?  Does IE run properly
under Wine on NetBSD 1.6?


Roger Brooks (Systems Programmer),          |  Email:
Computing Services Dept,                    |  Tel:   +44 151 794 4441
The University of Liverpool,                |  Fax:   +44 151 794 4442
PO Box 147, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK           |