Subject: Re: Media (e.g., SmartMedia) via Belkin USB media reader.
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/14/2002 23:25:43
In message <>, Richard Ra
uch writes:
>I've tried inserting the SmartMedia card both ways. There is no sign from
>NetBSD that the OS even knows that the card is present.
Sounds like the reader isn't working.
>The camera is an Olympus 360D, FWIW. The reader is Belkin's "USB 8-in-1
>Media Reader & Writer". (I seem to recall that Olympus claimed to have
>some special format that they used for one of their imaging modes and
>suggested (but didn't require, I think) reformatting SmartMedia cards with
>the camera prior to use, to get maximum use.)
I haven't used that one.
>Has anyone used a USB reader/writer on NetBSD with Olympus 360D SmartMedia
>cards? Or has anyone used the Belkin "8-in-1" with any SmartMedia?
Unfortunately, no, but I *CAN* say that I've used other SmartMedia with the
media reader I use, and it works.
FWIW, the reader I use is a "mere" 5-in-one which does MMC/SD, CF, and
SmartMedia. (The "5th" format is MicroDrive.)