Subject: RE: kill in bash script
To: 'Bill Schoolcraft' <>
From: Rose, Brian <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/13/2002 10:37:25
I made a generic killer BASH script to kill processes. It is pretty
much the same as the one Bill sent, except that it has some code to
keep from killing itself. I don't know if this is really needed, but
I put it in there for completeness.
You'll have to reconstruct the PIDS= line because Microsoft Outlook
(where I'm sending this email from) truncates lines. I added a CR
before the second -e sed statement. If You put that all on one line,
then you should not have any problems.
if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then
# ps - list the process
# grep - filter on the process name
# sed - filter the killer script which has the process name as
# an argument
# find the target (up to 6 digit pid)
# grep - remove blank lines
PIDS=`ps -ax | grep $PROCESS | sed -e "s/.*killp.*//"
-e "s/ *\([0-9]\{1,6\}\) .*/\1/" | grep -v "^$"`
if [ ! -z "$PIDS" ]; then
echo Killing $PROCESS pid=$PIDS
kill -9 $PIDS
echo No process $PROCESS in process list
echo Useage : $0 process_name
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Schoolcraft []
> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 12:36 PM
> To: joerch
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: kill in bash script
> joerch wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 02:06:58PM +0000, Carlo Smith wrote:
> > >
> > > Thats the way to manualy find the pid and then kill it
> ... but how do I pick
> > > out the pid in a script?
> > >
> Or, you can replace the "netscape" with "$1" and then just run the
> script from the command line using ANY service name like this:
> $> goodbye netscape
> The word netscape would be recognized as $1
> #!/bin/sh
> #
> for i in `ps -auxw|grep "$1" |grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'`;
> do kill -9
> $i ; done
> --
> Bill Schoolcraft, Unix/Linux System Engineer