Subject: Re: Altq or how to regulate incoming bandwidth
To: Martin Weber <>
From: Daniel Eggert <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/12/2002 07:46:38
On mandag, nov 11, 2002, at 22:53 Europe/Copenhagen, Martin Weber wrote:
> Hmm, just wondering. I wanted to get a fair sharing of
> my shared uplink, and thought about getting altq configured.
> Now I read about the different queueing disciplines, and
> am astonished to see that only _outgoing_ bandwidth is
> regulated.
> How would I say, like, 50 % of (downstream) bandwidth to
> this IP, 50 % of it there ? Is that possible at all ?
> wondering & thankful for any pointers to rtfm,
> -Martin
An alternative to altq for bandwidth shaping is ipfw... just wanted to
let you know.