Subject: Re: Sendmail DNS checking issue...
To: None <>
From: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/04/2002 08:02:37 (David Wetzel) writes:
> I do a DNS name lookup on all host that send mail to me. And It
> works well for computers with dynamic IPs. All serious ISPs will
> have a working reverse DNS entry for all IPs they use. If DNS is
> not working, it is very likely that is is spam.
In addition if you test the validity of the HELO hostname, you will
catch a few more of the miscreants. Instead of figuring out how to do
this is in sendmail, I switched to postfix which has that and a few
other useful anti-spam tests as simple switches one can turn on.
A slightly edited version of my anti-spam checks are online at:
The cpu is willing but the powersupply is weak.
spider food:
(NOTE: The email address above is valid. Edit it at your own peril.)