Subject: mozilla (emul/linux) refuses connection
To: None <>
From: Friedrich Ensslin <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/03/2002 18:00:01
I installed Mozilla 1.01 in emul/linux, but when trying to access any server (localhost, other local server or on the internet) , I see a message popping up, saying
"The connection was refused when attempting to contact <hostname>".
Using tcpdump on my network interface, i see no message traffic at all.
This effect does not occur, when I use Netscape (also on emul/linux) or the NetBSD-native Mozilla (1.01 or 1.1). My kernel has option INET6 enabled (Could this matter, as I've heard about IPV6 troubles w. Mozilla ?) . Any ideas?
BTW, does anybody know about a comprehensive online resource on the topic of linux emulation on NetBSD?
Friedrich Ensslin
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