Subject: Re: maybe wrong list: problem with netbsd on a sparc
To: joerch <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/29/2002 20:18:34
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On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 08:05:29PM +0000, joerch wrote:
> another question is:
> are there some 24bit graphiccards for a ss5 available ? are they
> supported by netbsd and what are the names of the cards ?
yes there are. SS5 has dedicated bus called AFXbus for graphics
hardware. the only one card i am aware of is called S24 (you may find
that this card is also called TCX but that's the name of on-board card
on SS4 which share device name with this card, /dev/tcx* and there is
the source of confusion..)
you can also use any other SBus framebuffer which fits in the SS5
enclosure as ZX and AG-10E or RasterFlex cards but afaik none of these
are supported in 24-bit mode, if at all, under NetBSD.
the driver for S24 is under development but it's not ready yet due to
der Mouse's inaccessibility to the development hardware (you can find
some info in the archives of port-sparc :).
(i used SPARCstation 5 with Fujitsu AG-10E card under Solaris without
any problems.)
-- Lubomir Sedlacik <> ASCII Ribbon campaign against /"\=
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