Subject: Re: Unable to install on ld0 drive with sysinst
To: Daniel Eggert <>
From: Daniel Eggert <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/26/2002 08:32:49
On Monday, Aug 26, 2002, at 02:17PM, Daniel Eggert <> wrote:
>On Monday, Aug 26, 2002, at 10:45AM, David S. <> wrote:
>>> Does anybody know how to work around this? Can I install without using
>>> sysint?
>>Funny you should ask:
>>David S.
>OK, I have to admint: I should have found that one.
>But I'm still stuck. I have no device node for my lo0. That is, I have no /dev/lo0. To complicate things further: The install disk image doesn't have a /dev/MAKEDEV either, so I don't know how to access lo0. How do I create the lo0 device node?
When I run disklabel i get:
# disklabel -I -i ld0
disklabel: /dev/rld0c: No such file or directory
What can I do about that?
There is no /dev/MAKEDEV on my install CD, but even when I check a regular MAKEDEV on another running system this MAKDEV doesn't have anything about ld(4) in it.
If I wanted to create the device node with mknod(8), I would need the major number for both the block and character device.
I tried to run mknod like this
# cd /dev
# mknod lo0 b 0
# mknod rld0 c 0
disklabel: ld0: Operation not supported by device
How do I figure out how to use mknod(8)? The man page tells me to look at the 'conf.c' file but there's nothing about ld(4) in there.
Does anybody have an idea on what to do? Thanks a lot in advance.