Subject: Re: win2k and NetBSD
To: Rasputin <>
From: Piers Hearn <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/31/2002 10:40:16
I'm running a multi-boot of .NET Server (close enough to W2K) and NetBSD
(1.5.2), one drive two partitions, just using the standard fdisk boot
loader and having no problems. If it's not working for you I'd try using a
different boot loader, possibly even the standard NT one used by W2K,
there's some bootstrap code which you can set the NT boot loader to run
which is supposed to boot NetBSD from a different drive, though I haven't
got it working myself. Can't remember off the top of my head where I found
it, but a search should pull it up.
At 18:59 30/07/2002, Rasputin wrote:
>Just a quick check - anything I should bear in mond when dual-booting
>win2k and NetBSD?
>Original setup was:
>20Gb drive on primary controller of Promise card
>40Gb drive on 2ndary controller of Promise card
>20Gb had win98 on it, 40 Gb has NetBSD (Current)
>I booted off cd to the NetBSD drive, then used fdisk to
>install a boot menu onto the windows disk to autoboot netbsd off
>disk 2 after 5 seconds.
>Got annoyed with 98 for crashing so much, thought I'd try win2k
>("All I want is to play Civ3! Is that too much to ask?") - on reflection,
>a pretty dumb idea, but hey...
>2k seems very NT-like (NTFS fs, loads 200 drivers for kit I haven't got
>before installing, etc), but I can't seem to replace my bootmenu.
>Either fdisk isn't updating it like it says it is, or I
>need to do something odd.
>Anyone else dual-booting 2k (or NT) happily with NetBSD?
>Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns