Subject: Re: DVD movies.
To: None <>
From: Michael Core <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/20/2002 19:13:13 (Brian A. Seklecki) wrote:
> DH> cdparanoia output to audioplay. (Has anyone made a CD player app
> DH> that plays using digital audio extraction, rather than the
> DH> standard play CD commands? I don't know of any, but I haven't
> DH> looked at all).
> ... that's a bad idea, and everyone knows it except Microsoft.
V qba'g frr nal shpxvat ernfba gb zragvba Zvpebfbsg!?!
> There's NO advantage, and it wastes space on your scsi/ide bus.
You don't do multimedia stuff on a business server...reasonable. BTW,
172KB/s isn't anything near to the edge.
> _Maybe_ I can see it a good idea if you had some extreme desire to use
> a equilizer on your CD audio output, but even then.
If you don't hear any difference between sound that goes through a
DAC->ADC->DAC path and sound that goes through a single DAC, you either
have very bad ears or _very_ good hardware.