Subject: ms-ttf fonts and KDE
To: None <>
From: Eric Jacoboni <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/25/2002 09:43:02
I have a curious problem while testing ms-ttf fonts with KDE on a i386
-current and XFree 4.1.0:
I've installed both ms-ttf and mkttfdir from pkgsrc.
After installing ms-ttf, i've cd to the truetype directory and do a
I've checked that the freetype module and Fontpath are properly setup
in my /etc/X11/XF86config.
When i run KDE, if y try to open the KDE control center/Look'n
Feel/Fonts, KDE freeze deadly. My system is not down but i can't do
anything from the console (nor switch to another console on this
host). The only solution is to telnet this host and make it reboot...
Before this reboot, i can see that X and KDE process are gone: it
seems my console is not reset (?)
My card is a GeForce II Mx.
Nothing in the logs...
Any clues?
Éric Jacoboni, né il y a 1325756000 secondes