Subject: Re: xmh/nmh - was: Backgrounds in X
To: Phillip Rulon <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/21/2002 19:36:00
> >> Although, xmh wants enscript if you try to print...
> >
> > I don't have any local MIME stuff to check does xmh handle mail
> > attaches?  metamail?  Or does it just show you the whole mail body and let
> > you figure it out?
> Linus Torvalds once said that the inventor of MIME should be nailed to
> a cross (or so).  But who runs his system anyway - ;^)

Heh.  I ran his kernel a little, once upon a time.  I recall that the last
time, it locked up rather nastily and I haven't been back since.

> In fact xmh is WYSIWYG about attachments so you are on your own as to what
> to do with them.  If you want a good MIME aware mh setup the way to go is
> exmh (pkgsrc) which also does a decent job at pgp/gpg.

I found exmh later this afternoon.  It looks nice.  I couldn't find the
config options for pgp/gpg, though, and it keeps generating
warnings/errors about not being able to talk to the GUI (though the
program seems to work).  It also wanted some things like rplay (it even
had the /usr/pkg/bin/rplay pathname, I think) which were not marked as
dependancies in the pkgsrc Makefile.

Still, it looks nice.  A bit slow, but cute.

> > Hm.  I'm not sure how one goes about replacing the default print command.
> > Can I just replaced ``XmhPrint'' with ``lpr ...''?  I assume not, but it's
> > not really clear from the man-page.  (There are two ``easy'' alternatives
> xmh is, AFAIK, the Xresource king.  There's a whole O'reilly book about them.

I also found that.  And the online PostScript version of the book.  (It
ends up looking yucky, something like printed HTML.  From the docs, it
sounds like he actually *wrote* the book in HTML.)

(exmh has support for printing mail as ASCII, BTW.)

  ``I probably don't know what I'm talking about.''