Subject: Re: How little memory can I get away with?
To: Jack Lloyd <>
From: Martin Weber <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/21/2002 01:00:59
On Sun, May 19, 2002 at 07:54:59PM -0400, Jack Lloyd wrote:
> I recently acquired a 50 Mhz 486-DX2 laptop, currently running Windows 3.1.
> I was planning on installing NetBSD on it (because there is no way a modern
> Linux distro can work on something this small), but have since realized
> that it only has 340 megs of disk, and 4 megs of memory. Can even NetBSD
> install and run on something this small? Or should I crack that puppy open
> and see if I can squish more memory in?
I'm running (a quite quite quite tweaked) 1.5-current on a toshiba T3400 (486dx2/66)
with 120 MB disk and 4 MB ram (hail the beginnings of the syspkgs :).
You won't need to tweak around as brutally as I had to get along with the
diskspace :) I'm not using X on it though, but window(1) to have enough
space to actually work on it. You'll have to get used to massive swapping
though if you want to run emacs, TeX etc. on it (It's already for me with
four consoles and a less and a vi running :)
Have fun with your tiny machine !