Subject: Re: CVS Question
To: None <,>
From: Jeff Flowers <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/13/2002 15:31:36
> That can be a lot of work for what should be an easy process.

I really don't mind the work, I am just having trouble figuring out the 
best way to accomplish this. I know that I can download the source code at but I don't know what to
do from there. So I figured that I would try CVS just to learn to use it.

Of course, with NetBSD 1.5.3 just around the corner, it may not matter too
much longer anyway.

> I have built a few binary security patches for 1.5.2.
> I built patches to update lpd, sshd, and gzip.

This sounds cool. I recently wrote Luke Mewburn and suggested that Wasabi
should offer something like this, along with a NetBSD subscription service.

> Jeff, let me know if you are interested in reviewing or testing these.

I'm interested. My system right now is just for testing, as I figure things
in NetBSD out, so it would be a good test-bed.


Jeff Flowers