Subject: Re: can't build woth mesa
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/30/2002 12:10:12
* Richard Rauch <> [020429 20:19]:
> > I've compiled, linked, and run the bhole program. I can't get it to
> > display anything other than the axes and the background starfield, though
> > (and the heads-up display). (sigh) (I can rotate my view around, but
> > can't see any particles, no matter how many I inject.
> Ah, I see that I need to turn on Textures and/or Vectors to see much of
> anything. (Though if I get a *lot* of overlapping particles, the default
> setting will give a green haze. That wasn't clear from the web-page (as I
> read it), and I didn't initially look at the keyboard-handling to see what
> extra keys might work that the web-page might neglect to mention.)
> I hnow have a 4001 particle system (in a tiny window) spinning around at a
> pleasant speed. (Well, I think that it has trouble getting up to 4001
> particles. I assume that they are getting eaten about as fast as they are
> created, now, but it's over 3700 particles...(^&)
Purdy, ain't it? :)
Sorry for a really dopey question, I genuinely thought I'd need a special
compiler flag for this (totally forget the [g]make issue);
- glad to see I don't.
Incidentally, is there any DRI support for NetBSD?
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns