Subject: Accessing MBR/DOS partitions
To: None <>
From: jon <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/22/2002 02:15:37
I have been adding my FAT partition to my NetBSD disklabel so that I could
access it, by switching between two virtual consoles and copying the sector
values from "fdisk" output into the disklabel. slow =/
My friend uses FreeBSD on occasion, and he says there's a device used to
refer directly to a partition as defined in the MBR, without having to add
it in the disklabel, like
where X is the drive, 0 indexed, and N is the partition, also 0-indexed
so /dev/ad2s0 would be the first partition of the third drive
and in Linux it would be
where X refers to drive, n to partition, and S the slice if applicable, such
as hda1 or hdc1a
Is there a similar thing in NetBSD? It's the only OS I've ever used which
doesn't have an apparent method for accessing drives by
drive/partition/slice; instead, it's just drive/slice
Just wondering because sometimes I have 4 partitions for 4 different
operating systems and it would be nice to be able to access them more easily
please CC any replies to cause I'm not on the mailing