Subject: xtail doesnt update unless I `ls` the directory???
To: None <>
From: Charlie Allom <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/22/2002 12:31:12
a bizarre problem with pkgsrc/misc/xtail and:
NetBSD 1.5.3_ALPHA (MOMBASSA) #1: Tue Feb 12 17:29:19 EST 2002
xtail as you know tail's file even if they are rotated .. I am
watching squid rotate it's file @midnight and the xtail stops. Other
files that are rotated are fine.. Just squid's borks..
The way I get xtail to refresh itself is to (and this is the weirdest
bit) `ls /var/squid/logs` - in fact just the tab completion to
/var/squid kickstarts xtail on a mad rush to show me everything that
has changed since last rotation.
Any idea why? here is the command I run from within screen to tail the
`sudo xtail aculog authlog httpd/* lastlog lpd-errs maillog messages
secure xferlog ../squid/logs/*`
and my fstab:
101 yeled@peko[~]% ssh momb cat /etc/fstab
/dev/sd0a / ffs rw 1 1
/dev/sd0b none swap sw 0 0
/dev/sd0e /tmp ffs rw,softdep 1 2
/dev/sd0f /var ffs rw,softdep 1 2
/dev/sd0g /usr ffs rw,softdep 1 2
/dev/ccd0a /scratch ffs rw,softdep 1 2
fnord:/usr/src /usr/src nfs rw,noauto,-T,-w65536,-r65536,-i 0 0
F848 3B10 D181 E5EC 84CD 9CA2 7686 6210 FB54 66D1