Subject: Two X servers running simultaneously using wscons
To: None <>
From: Ingolf Steinbach <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/06/2002 17:36:01

apart from comments, my /etc/wscons.conf contains the following
    screen  1       -       vt100
    screen  2       -       vt100
    screen  3       -       vt100
    mux             1

All ttyE? entries are marked "off" in /etc/ttys, except ttyE0.

My /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers file contains the two lines
    :0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 vt02
    :1 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :1 vt03
so that one X server is to run on screen #1, the other on
screen #2.

Is it normal that the X servers won't be able to start until
the corresponding screen is active? At the moment, I have
to manually cycle through the virtual screens when xdm/kdm
is started to avoid disabling of an X server which tried to
open on a virtual screen which was not in the foreground.
(I hope this was clear enough -- maybe I did not use the
correct terms...)

After both X servers have successfully been started, I do not
experience such problems (hangs) even when one of the X
servers is left in the "background" for a long time.

BTW, I sometimes see "usl_detachtimeout" kernel messages.
Should I worry about them? How can I avoid them?

My system: NetBSD/i386 running 1.5.3_RC1.

TIA for your answers
