Subject: Re: Mice, KVM, and X, oh my!
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/26/2002 11:07:11
In message <>, "Timothy A. Musson"
>This might be a Windows only issue, but when I set up a KVM for someone
>a while ago (2-port BlackBox), I ran into some out-of-synch problems. The
>manual said something about the data stream being out of synch, and you
>could hit a hot-key sequence to shift the data stream one byte (the max times
>you would have to hit the hot-keys was three, because it was dealing with
>4-byte signals, if I remember correctly). Of course, this KVM was shared
>between NT and ME machines.
It would make sense for it to be out of sync, except that it's 100%
reproducible that, after a switch, it gets into the weird state. It should
happen at most 75% of the time if it's synch. (4-byte protocol for pmsi.)