Subject: Re: Mice, KVM, and X, oh my!
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: Tracy Nelson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/25/2002 20:54:26
From: "Peter Seebach" <>
> Anyone have any ideas? I'm using the wsmouse protocol, and I would have
> assumed that, since "od -x /dev/wsmouse" produces nice stable results
> and after a switch, so would everything else.
What kind of KVM switch do you have? I'm using a Belkin OmniCube 4-port,
and I've never had a problem like you describe. However, if I accidentally
unplug my mouse, then reconnect, it isn't available on any system connected
to the switch. Does your KVM provide phantom kbd/mouse signals to system
that aren't selected? Which version of the X server are you using?