Subject: Netbsd fails to build with error "pxeboot....."
To: None <>
From: sucho2 <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/22/2002 19:32:51
I have been trying to build netbsd all week and it always fails at i386 under
sys directory and complains about "pxeboot" uanble to find etc..... Anyone
having same problem lately?
I've tried the CVS server and the tarred up sources from netbsd directly and
both fails exactly at the same spot.
Also, anyone able to run the openoffice 641? I've tried to compile, it won't
compile. I've tried install from the binary package from NetBSD, it won't run
complaining unable to find What's the deal when someone
posts it works on both NetBSD 1.53_ALPHA and current? It sure don't work on