Subject: cdplay: problems & questions
To: None <>
From: Beaker <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/21/2002 10:02:29
Just got around to trying this little utility that comes in the base
install. Seems to work ok but I noticed a couple of things:
a) I have to have root privileges to run it - maybe someone can point out
work around?
b) If I try and put it in background after starting it interactively - i.e.
"cdplay [RTN]" - it screws up the terminal settings - no echoing of commands
and single line display(!). Typing "reset" helps only for a bit: I have to
keep resetting the terminal - its rather annoying.
I'm wondering if this is something that has been fixed in -current: I'm
running 1.5.2/i386/generic from last August; a little old but not much IMHO.
I'm not sure how I would check for revisions as cdplay isn't in the packages
collection: is there some straightforward way of doing this?
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