Subject: Re: Adding installation sets later?
To: Johan A. van Zanten <>
From: Chris Pinnock <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/19/2002 12:08:56
On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 06:19:17AM -0500, Johan A. van Zanten wrote:
> The installation sets in .../NetBSD/NetBSD-1.5.2/sparc/binary/sets appear
> to be just gzip'd tar balls. If i want to add some non-required sets
> after a machine has been up and running for some time, is there any better
> way than:
> cd /
> tar zxf .../NetBSD/NetBSD-1.5.2/sparc/binary/sets/games.tgz
Probably best to "tar zpxf" so that you preserve the intended
permissions. I'd take a bit of care doing this. For example, extracting
etc.tgz will stomp on your existing etc and so on.
> For example is there a package or set DB i'm failing to update?
> Or is that pretty much it?
That's pretty much it for 1.5.2. The "System packages" system has
recently been committed to NetBSD-current, so hopefully this sort of
thing will be easier in NetBSD >=1.6.
best wishes,