Subject: Re: Help! - Stuck in "single user mode"
To: None <>
From: Robert Kennedy <robert@theory.Stanford.EDU>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/15/2002 17:28:23
> > mount -a
> > Then you should be able to run vi and fix your problem.
> Thanks to all of you who (very!) promptly responded to my plea for help.
> Robert's suggestion more or less did the trick, though I still couldn't run
> vi as TERM wasn't set and 'set TERM=vt220' didn't seem to stifle vi's
> complaining (BTW 'export TERM' wasn't recognized as a command).
"export TERM" is a Bourne shell command; you said you were running
/bin/csh, so it's no surprise it didn't work. In a similar vein, you
wanted "setenv TERM vt220" to set your TERM environment variable.
-- Robert