Subject: RE: Previously made packages won't get installed!
To: None <>
From: sucho2 <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/15/2002 19:43:58
Screw KDE or any other packages!
Heck I just gonna use wm that comes with X and be it forever!
One only needs:
Netscape (for email+surfing),
FORTRAN (for all my computations),
LYX (for all my writings),
gnuplot and octave (for graphiing),
xedit? for editing :( hmmmm
>===== Original Message From Sung Nae Cho <> =====
>I have been using NetBSD-1.5ZA with XFree86 4.2. I wanted to reoreganize
>my partition, therefore, reinstalled NetBSD-1.5ZA. However, when I try to
>install KDE-2.2.2.tgz package that was made won't install! When I do
>pkg_add kde-2.2.2.tgz, NetBSD seems to go through all the installation
>processes, showing the verbose etc. But, when it's done, nothing got
>installed! I have been having trouble with. I've tried to add
>separately, kdebase, kdelibs... etc.. none of it gets installed. What's
>odd is that NetBSD runs through the installation (unpacking) etc... but
>after couple minutes of hard work, when I see the /usr directory, hardly
>nothing is installed. Is package system broken or what? At the moment,
>the only option for me is to remake from pkgsrc which really "piss" me off
>after all that time I spent compiling the whole kde packages (took 15
>hours to copile). Sorry for the foul language. Anyone know of the quick
>remedy to this problem? I still haven't erased the *.tgz files for kde
>yet just in case.
>Yours sincerely,
>Sung N. Cho,
>Friday, Feb. 15, 2002.