Subject: Re: need help with modem
To: Irwan Wibowo <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/14/2002 19:46:47
On Thu, Feb 14, 2002 at 06:02:37PM -0800, Irwan Wibowo wrote:
> I tried to talk to the modem by doing cu -p modem as
> in the NetBSD guide.
> I got the message Connected, and I typed AT, but I
> couldn't see the command I typed, nor could I see the
> response (should be OK, right?).
> I tried ATDP and I could hear it dialing.
> I also tried to connect to my ISP, and I heard the
> connecting noise and stuff, but was disconnected
> shortly afterwards.
> I think it's because the modem doesn't respond with
Sounds like you just need a "ate1v1" to enable verbose result codes
and echo commands. You could just reset the modem with "atz" first
or even reset to factory defaults with "at&f" as well.
If you ask Google about the Hayes AT command set you should find plenty
of links with more information. (e.g. your modem appears to be working
fine with NetBSD, it is just a modem settings issue now)