Subject: Re: Sparc X11 and console anoyance
To: Matt Grant <>
From: Greg MATTHEWS <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/11/2002 11:01:22
define a console window so that console messages get logged in it instead of
messing up the X display.
this can be done by defining a small xterm window with the -C option or by
using the xconsole.
man xconsole
man xterm
i also have a low powered sparc classic and run icewm. here is my .xinitrc
potomac: {3} cat .xinitrc
xterm -C -sb -name Console -geometry 60x6+1+1 &
xterm -sb -name 'Xterm 1' -geometry 80x25+640+510 &
exec icewm
> I have this little annoyance that I want to go away if possible.
> My sparc is very resource impaired so I got blackbox as my wm.
> Every time I su in a xterm the console message pops through my screen and
> causes havoc with all open xterms.
> I guess my question is how do I turn of su console messages so X doesn't
> get all flaky.
> Thanks
> Matt G.